Monday, October 15, 2018

Feedback Strategies

Feed Back Strategies 

I liked these articles as they thought me how praise isn't always a good thing which never occurred to me before.

In Five Reasons to Stop saying Good Job it talks about the various reasons why saying good job to young children hinders their development more so than helping them, It suggests it applies to people of all ages but mainly young kids. One of the reasons which I thought was really interesting was that by saying good job to a child for some of the work they've done they then attach that to the feeling of the praise and it becomes less about the actually task and more about the praise, which I thought was really peculiar. I liked the last section of this article a lot as it focused on what you should say rather than why it is bad and I thought this was helpful as it seems like it is focused for everyone's feedback rather than just kids.

In The difference between praise and feedback it talks about two experts in the matters opinion on feedback and one explains how she thinks that the generic good job and stuff is bad and says how she thinks you should say stuff like "You can tell you put a lot of effort in" and general observations rather than judgement. Whereas the second person says that this is just passing judgement on effort and that you should rather ask the kid how they feel about it like how did you find that or which was the hardest part of it.

Overall i feel like the first one was more useful for now the second one might come in handy when I have a kid but how praise affects kids is mainly what I took from the second article whereas I felt like I took some useful information on giving feedback from the first one.

                  (Image of a star taken from WikiMedia
            as this is what I think of when I think of Feedback)

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